Monday, 19 September 2016

Benefits of Using a Home Water Purification System

Benefits of using a home purification system

Drinking water is essential for our survival. However, when water isn't purified or treated, it can make us sick. 
There aren't any disadvantages of water purification; it is crucial for healthy drinking water. Using a kitchen water filter, a homeowner can remove every contaminant in their drinking water.
Some benefits of using a home purification system include;
Protection against harmful organisms
Reports from the Environmental Protection Agency show that 90 percent of the water supply of the world us unfit for consumption without a form of treatment. Tap water may contain some microorganisms which cause vomiting, diarrhea, and even death. A kitchen water filter can kill these microorganisms and make the water a lot safer to drink. Water is purified in different ways to make it fit for drinking and households can use a kitchen water filter to protect them from these organisms.
Removal of toxic metals
As well as microorganisms, unfiltered water is a source of minerals such as magnesium and copper. While these minerals do not pose a threat to health, they can react with other substances in the water and cause some deposits that make water unfit for drinking. Some other substances found in water like copper and lead are dangerous to the health. Filtration systems can be used to remove a majority of these minerals to reduce any risk of illness.
Water purification systems are convenient to use as well. When you have one installed in the kitchen or anywhere else in the home, dragging large bottle from the store will no longer be necessary. The water filter allows the homeowner to drink safe and hygienic water by just running the tap and fetching some water.
Purification systems are eco-friendly as they do not release any pollutants into the atmosphere. They also encourage sustainability of the earth resources.
Cost effective
Bottled water can cost $4 per gallon when they are used daily. Every member of a home can drink more than three bottles a day, and such would cost a lot of money to sustain. Water purification systems offer a home an unlimited supply and may cost only a few pennies on each gallon. 
Besides a home, water purification systems can be used in a wide array of arrangements such as clinics, hospitals, educational institutes and offices. They provide access to clean and safe water in such settings.
Risks of not using a water purification system
Using a simple kitchen filter can reduce the water contaminants found in water. There are over 2100 water contaminants which may be present in drinking water, and some include known poisons. EPA attributes 480,000 cases of various learning disorders in children to these water contaminants. Several kinds of cancer are caused by contaminants found in drinking water. Also, birth defects have been attributed to water contaminants.

Sometimes, bottled water may not be a great alternative; it's safer to purify your water using home purification systems. As well as saving cost, it is an environmentally friendly way to purify water for the use of the entire family.
For more information, contact Orue Catering Services for catering services in Port Harcourt

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